Reef Digital’s Joel Evans Named Finalist in 2019 Search Engine Land Awards

search engine land award finalists
Joel has been named as one of five finalists worldwide in the ‘Search Marketer Of The Year – Male’ category.

The team at Reef Digital couldn’t have asked for a better start to the week. We’re honoured and thrilled that leading industry publication Search Engine Land has announced Reef as a finalist in the 2019 Search Engine Land Awards!

Joel Evans, SEO and Content Manager at Reef, earned a spot on the shortlist for the Search Marketer Of The Year category. Joel is now set to fly to Seattle, where the winners will be announced in a glittering awards ceremony on June 4.

Here’s why this nomination is such a big deal: The prestigious global program honors excellence in digital marketing among the world’s top search marketers. This year’s competition saw nearly 230 submissions from leading digital agencies, in-house marketing teams, and individuals around the world – and only the best of the best made it to the final round! This makes Reef the only Australian agency to earn a spot in the global shortlist for the category.

Joel, who has managed organic search marketing for brands such as the University of Newcastle, ChildFund joel evans, seo and content manager and award winnerAustralia, Australian Cancer Research Foundation, and, says he’s humbled by the achievement:

I’ve learned a lot from my mentors here, and I’ve been privileged to work with fantastic clients. I couldn’t have achieved what I have without them.

He adds:

For me doing SEO is strategically using best practices in technical SEO, content and link building to give clients a competitive advantage with their organic search presence. This is how I’ve managed to increase our clients’ visibility in featured snippets, grow their organic traffic, and improve engagement rates on site.

Ishita Sehdev, Head of SEO, Reef Digital calls Joel a “rising star” in the search marketing industry. She says:

Joel has demonstrated incredible growth on so many levels over the last two years. His passion for search marketing and enthusiasm for working with the team and his clients is unmatched. This is reflected in the client feedback – who absolutely love him. For someone so young who has been working in the industry for such a short time, he has learned and achieved so much, setting the highest benchmarks for himself and the team. This nomination is an acknowledgement and recognition for his incredible efforts and I hope he wins the award!

Hadrien Brassens, Director and Co-Founder of Reef Digital, said it’s a proud moment for the team and one he looks forward to celebrating:

To have Joel shortlisted as Search Marketer of the Year for the 2019 Search Engine Land Awards is an incredible achievement and an absolute honour for both himself and our agency. This is a global award and possibly the most competitive in our field which makes it even more special. Joel, along with the rest of the team, has worked hard in order to execute creative and impactful strategies and deliver outstanding work for our clients, always learning and improving along the way.

Ginny Marvin, Search Engine Land’s Editor-in-Chief and four-year judge of the awards, was impressed by the depth and scope of entries in this year’s competition:

The creativity and technical and marketing sophistication illustrated in this year’s entries is truly inspiring. They highlight the dedication of search marketers to consistently grow, learn and evolve their practices to deliver the best results for clients and stakeholders.

Winners will be announced during an evening awards ceremony and celebratory gala on June 4, 2019 at the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle. The event takes place during the week of Search Engine Land’s annual SMX Advanced conference.

Marvin will co-host this year’s awards ceremony with Search Engine Land’s Vice President of Content Henry Powderly and industry veterans and Search Engine Land contributors Detlef Johnson and Jessica Bowman.

The excitement is palpable at the Reef office, as we wait with bated breath for June 4, when the final winners will be announced. But even as we await for the final announcement, here’s a big shout out to all of Reef’s wonderful clients who trust us to give them a competitive edge. None of this would be possible without you all!

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