5 Reasons Why You Should Focus On Digital PR

While wielding cocktails at fabulous parties is a PR stereotype I won’t completely deny, many companies are still yet to take advantage of the new age of Digital PR and how it immensely benefits your brand, not just with awareness and reach like traditional PR, but with measureable results. So as I sip on this delicious sauvignon blanc, in a rare break from my busy cocktail and party schedule, I wanted to talk through the top 5 reasons your business needs to focus on Digital PR.

1. Reaching the Right Audience

Digital PR enables brands to more accurately segment the market through factors such as customer behaviour, profile characteristics, and multi-channel behaviour to reach their desired demographic. When defining a target audience brands look at who that audience are engaging with – i.e. the people most likely to be interested in what your business offers.

In order to stand out from competitors, it’s important that this audience is targeted in the right way and communicating the right key messages. For example, a popular and effective Digital PR strategy is influencer marketing, whereby a brand engages with a digital influencer, like a popular blog author, or notable Instagram personality for brand collaborations. Through the influencer’s online authority and fame, they can directly guide their targeted audience to the brand in a more “organic” way.

2. SEO Value

With many PR professionals holding expertise in traditional media management, focusing on newspapers, magazines, TV and radio, the benefit that PR has on SEO is often unknown, underappreciated, or forgotten about completely.

When it comes to Digital PR however, SEO and PR go hand in hand to boost a brand’s media presence and engage with their target audience. Implementing a Digital PR strategy with SEO aims in mind, such as link acquisition, will not only drive traffic to the your brand’s website but will help with building website authority and improve your search engine result page ranking.

3. Social Media Marketing

The Holmes Report tells us that the leading social platforms over the past year are Twitter (95%); Facebook (89%); and blogs (83%), with companies focusing their marketing initiatives more and more towards these channels.

With a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing, social media marketing is commonly implemented through Digital PR strategies to engage a brand with an audience that actually wants to see the content, across a variety of these channels.

With social media marketing resulting in lower costs and a higher yield, marketing budgets are increasingly being driven towards digital and social media as it achieves a greater ROI than that of traditional methods.

4. Exposure & Engagement

With the endless opportunities that come with the internet, the ability to drive greater exposure to the world through numerous interlinked online platforms is near limitless.

Digital PR activities not only lead to greater exposure and brand awareness, but also gives your brand the opportunity to engage with your audience directly.

Community engagement, done right, adds incredible value to your business to build a strong brand profile that people can connect with emotionally. Examples of how this may be achieved include:

  • Audience commenting on articles
  • Social Media shares across various channels
  • Link sharing from external sites (also boosting SEO results)

5. Measurability & Optimisation

PRSA released a universal description of PR:“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” The focus here is on a ‘strategic communication process’, however what some PR professionals or business’ may find difficult is how to optimise and measure this process.

Digital public relations and communication processes channel energy into inbound marketing strategies to attract the right customers. Through tactics such as SEO, blogs and social media, inbound marketing has been proven increasingly more effective at attracting customers rather than fighting for their attention with outbound strategies.

Unlike Traditional PR, Digital PR strategy and campaign effectiveness can be tracked and measured accurately through use of analytic tools including:

  1. Google Analytics for Website traffic (organic, referral and from social media)
  2. Moz for Inbound Marketing/ SEO (such as keyword tracking)
  3. Kissmetrics for Social Media (audience growth, engagement, and conversions)

Effective Digital PR strategies | Reef Digital Agency Sydney

Creating and implementing an effective digital PR strategy is critical in achieving your online business goals. The key is utilising multiple digital channels that all converge and intertwine to deliver exceptional results, increasing your brand’s profile and rankings and getting you in front of the customers that truly want to hear from you. If you’re eager to find out more about how your brand can benefit from the activities of Digital PR, get in touch with Reef today!

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